the simple secret to biz success

the simple secret to biz success

Published September 8, 2023
Why do many successful entrepreneurs come as college dropouts?
Because dropping out triggers a special emotion.
An emotion some regard as the most important for new entrepreneurs.
And when I realized that…
I bought this:
notion image
You might be asking “Why the hell do you keep a skull on your desk?”
First of all, he has a name – Larry.
Second, Larry serves as a powerful daily reminder.
He’s a symbol of death. A reminder that I won’t be 25 forever.
(in fact, i won’t be 25 for another week. my birthday’s on sept. 12)
It’s all too common to see people coasting through life.
0 passion.
0 ambition.
0 happiness.
That was me at one point.
I coasted for 20 years of my life until I failed out of university.
And although that’s a story for another time…
Larry helps me run away from that version of me.
Larry triggers that special emotion.
It’s all too common to see new biz owners spinning their wheels.
Letting life fade away as they fiddle with some BS.
1 more day.
1 more course.
1 more Dan Koe video.
I never want that to be me. And I will never let that be me.
I urgently execute the plans I set for myself because I know that we’re here for a limited time. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t.
And a college dropout feels the exact same way.
“I threw away 5 figures of $$$ and MONTHS of time. I NEED to make this work otherwise I’m a f*ck up”
Here’s how to inspire more urgency in your life:
  1. Goal setting
    1. Write down one goal you want to achieve before the end of year. Personally, I will put on 10lbs of lean mass before 2024 hits.
      (and if you want to be friends, reply back to let me know your goal too)
  1. Frequency
    1. Put that goal somewhere you’ll see it often.
      On your desktop, pasted to your computer, or on your wall. Doesn’t matter. Seeing it day-in-day-out will keep you committed to the cause.
  1. Inspiration
    1. You need to spark the flames of urgency.
      This could be big like quitting your job, or small like my Larry. Another option is this chrome extension, Motivation, that shows your age in real-time.
notion image
Go download it if you want to watch your age melt away every time you log in.
Urgency is not a silver bullet.
But it might just be the secret ingredient you’re looking for.
It was for me.
Stay sharp,